Saturday 16 February 2013

How to Enable Task Manager (task manager has been disabled by your administrator )

Enable task manager windows 7. Unlike the previous generation to enable windows task manager windows 7 can not be done in gpedit.msc, but to enable task manager windows 7 should be done in regedit menu. When a computer / laptop using windows 7 and task manager that is usually inactive can be accessed by pressing CTR + ALT + DEL and turns in the message disabled by an administrator.

Then steps must be taken to enable task manager windows 7 please follow these steps:

Open the regedit from the search menu on the start menu: regedit key and follow the following structure
In the next window will be key "DisableTaskMgr" double-click and change the value data to 0 to enable task manager windows 7

If it can not be opened regedit then you can activate the task manager via menu windows 7 command prompt:

Open the search menu and type cmd then paste the script below and then ENTER
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /f